52 Ways to declutter

1 Clean out your closet

2 Gather your supplies

3 Take pictures

4 Purge away

5 Clean

6 Be ruthless and realistic

7 Create three boxes – 1

8 Digitize your documents

9 Always make your bed

10 Label everything (seriously, everything)

11 Reduce duplicates

12 Ask for help

13 Keep at it!

14 Take action!

15 Set up space for sorting

16 Eliminate your junk drawer

17 Reduce your commitments

18 Sort a pile of papers

19 Take baby steps

20 Reconsider your routines

21 Take it slow

22 Make time to clean

23 Follow the 80/20 rule

24 Set your timer!

25 Start small

26 Dispose of everything responsibly

27 Cherish your memories

28 Junk drawer

29 Focus on digital decluttering

30 Reduce multitasking

31 Adopt a no-freebies policy

32 Stay patient

33 Throw away expired medications

34 Delete every day

35 Schedule a declutter day

36 Find ways to get rid of your old books

37 Sort into piles

38 Get innovative with storage solutions

39 Have a laundry/cleaning schedule

40 Clean flat surfaces first

41 Get some sleep

42 Ask for help from family and friends

43 Purge your closet the smart way

44 Ask yourself if you love it

45 Get in the right mindset

46 Stay on top of little chores

47 Get out of the stuff mindset

48 Opt for less packaging

49 Go paperless

50 Get furniture that doubles as storage

51 Shelf love

52 Conduct a calendar audit

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