61 Ways to be more fun

1 Give yourself plenty of rewards

2 Play games together

3 Learn

4 Listen to music

5 Teach yourself how to play an instrument

6 Bring your friends together

7 Adopt a pet

8 Listen to podcasts

9 Change it up!

10 Perform a random act of kindness

11 Learn something new

12 Plan a trip

13 Volunteer work

14 Treat yourself

15 Have a laugh

16 Inspire creativity

17 Think back to childhood

18 Exercise with a friend

19 Create or join an office club or activity

20 Crank up the tunes!

21 Dont go it alone…

22 Make meditation part of your day

23 Learn a new joke

24 Stop being a perfectionist

25 Play some frisbee

26 Listen to good music

27 Work out with a friend

28 Daydream together

29 Check out the library

30 Take yourself to a really nice dinner

31 Try an unusual recipe

32 Go to a rock concert

33 Create a fun place to work

34 Move your hips

35 Find some friends

36 Do something different

37 Switch positions

38 Add a dance party

39 Stage a water balloon fight

40 Keep things positive

41 Take a nap

42 Celebrate milestones and successes

43 Crack lots of jokes

44 Make your workspace a place you enjoy being

45 Pom poms & water bottle activity by mama ot

46 Work out with a group

47 Focus on the process

48 Make it a game

49 Enlist a buddy

50 Make a collage postcard for postsecret

51 Learn a simple papercraft

52 Make your equipment work for you

53 Game your sweetie

54 Invest in a coffeemaker with a timer

55 Plan a celebratory meal

56 Ask for help

57 Make a collage

58 Listen to throwback music

59 Write it for them

60 Attend a virtual concert

61 Play to your workout personality

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