47 Ways to keep your mind sharp

1 Stay active

2 Learn new things

3 Eat a healthy diet

4 Get enough sleep

5 Get physical exercise

6 Socialize

7 Get some rest

8 Exercise your bodyfor your brain

9 Engage all of your senses

10 Reminisce with friends

11 Good social connections

12 Try new experiences

13 Practice meditation

14 Eat right

15 Learn a language

16 Reading materials

17 Sleep on it

18 Get social

19 Breathe!

20 Try using your non-dominant hand

21 Take care when listening to music

22 Enjoy regular exercise

23 Prioritize lifelong learning

24 Play games

25 If you smoke, quit

26 Stay social and connected

27 Monitor your blood pressure

28 Repeat, repeat, repeat…

29 Avoid head injuries

30 Modify your routine

31 Stimulate your brain

32 Improve your overall health

33 Maintain a schedule

34 Practice mindfulness

35 Use memory tricks

36 Believe in yourself

37 Eat for brain health

38 Go med

39 Rearrange familiar objects

40 Public speaking experience

41 Mellow out

42 Broccoli

43 Space it out

44 Make a mnemonic

45 Give your mind time to assimilate knowledge

46 Eat well, sleep well and exercise often

47 Take up tai chi

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