59 Ways to be more grateful

1 Spread gratitude

2 Write a thank you note

3 Keep a gratitude journal

4 Start a gratitude journal

5 Create a gratitude ritual

6 Gratitude reduces resentment anddepression

7 Share the love with your family and friends

8 Handwrite letters of encouragement

9 Share your gratitude with others

10 Count your blessings - each day

11 Compliment someone

12 Choose to be grateful

13 Say thank you to someone every day

14 Gratitude increases your productivity

15 Gratitude increases your goal achievement

16 Practice random acts of kindness

17 Give a hug

18 Smile

19 Create a thank-you

20 Donate to charity

21 Stop comparing

22 Acknowledge birthdays and anniversaries

23 Point out generosity

24 Find a gratitude buddy

25 Replace your complaints with gratitude

26 Raise a happier child

27 Stretch it out

28 Send a thank-you note

29 Do something unexpected for someone else

30 Share your gratitude around the dinner table

31 Gratitude reduces feelings of envy

32 Give a detailed example of appreciation

33 Use social media mindfully

34 Show appreciation to your parents

35 Appreciate what you have

36 Keep it regular

37 Thank a teacher or coach

38 Say thank-you with cookies

39 Be humble, always

40 Be polite to mr

41 Make it stick

42 Give more

43 Ask yourself three questions

44 Learn prayers of gratitude

45 Come to your senses

46 Use visual reminders

47 Watch your language

48 Go through the motions

49 Think outside the box

50 Be an active listener

51 Spend some time with a person who energizes you

52 Enjoy the beauty of nature

53 Compliment others daily

54 Reflect on your day at night

55 Dont brush off a compliment

56 Run a race for charity

57 Gratitude increases spiritualism

58 Talk about it

59 Improve your happiness in other areas of your life

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