60 Ways to be grateful everyday

1 Use gratitude affirmations

2 Keep a gratitude journal

3 Write a letter or note of thanks

4 Share your gratitude for your loved ones

5 Perform a random act of kindness

6 Give hugs

7 Share your appreciation

8 Gratitude can help relieve stress

9 Share your gratitude around the dinner table

10 Start a gratitude journal

11 Give a genuine compliment

12 Gratitude increases your goal achievement

13 Donate to a charity

14 Write handwritten notes of thanks

15 Sleeping in

16 Be thoughtful of others

17 Warm sun rays on a cool day

18 Say a prayer

19 Acknowledge birthdays and anniversaries

20 Count your blessings, literally

21 Raise a happier child

22 Take a gratitude walk

23 Heartbreak

24 Be passionate

25 Stop comparing, right now

26 Im grateful for the simplicity of life

27 Say please and thank you

28 Say thank you to someone every day

29 Gratitude can help you sleep better

30 Give someone a gift

31 Psalm 106

32 Plenty of drinkable water

33 Show appreciation to your parents

34 Flash a smile

35 Thank people for their service

36 Keep it regular

37 Compliment others daily

38 Say thank you to strangers

39 Be grateful for your friendships

40 Focus on the gratitude journal benefits

41 Host a gratitude dinner

42 Find the silver lining in everything

43 Gratitude reduces feelings of envy

44 Enjoy the beauty of nature

45 Get a journal

46 Find gratitude amid health problems

47 Worship and prayer vigil at iu health west hospital

48 Look for awe-inspiring moments in your day

49 Ask why

50 Unplug and play

51 Do yoga

52 Take nothing for granted

53 Look for the good in the bad

54 Exercise

55 Someone special

56 Be grateful around difficult people

57 Bananas!

58 Multitask less

59 Model contentment

60 Self-love

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