52 Ways to be nice to people

1 Give a compliment

2 Pleased to meet you

3 Show kindness

4 Smile and laugh

5 Be thoughtful of others feelings

6 Smile more

7 Offer a hug or embrace

8 Donate to charity

9 Do a random act of kindness together

10 Make your s

11 Leave a love note

12 Just listen

13 Lend a friend a favorite book/movie

14 Dont be critical

15 Make dinner for a family in need

16 Feel good about it

17 Handwrite letters of encouragement

18 Be encouraging

19 Let someone into your lane while driving

20 Leave money on a vending machine for someone

21 Embrace gratitude

22 Offer them flowers

23 Tell a boss about a good employee

24 Leave a generous tip for a pleasant waiter

25 I want to grow into a person like you

26 Give someone a genuine compliment

27 Send care packages to soldiers overseas

28 Mow the lawn for your neighbors

29 Respect others and their opinions

30 Reconnect with an old friend

31 Share your happiness

32 Send some nice comments on social media

33 Ask them if they want help

34 Be mindful of how you treat others

35 Simply be there for them

36 Hold the elevator for someone

37 Be kinder to yourself

38 Give up your seat on the bus to another person

39 Volunteer together

40 Be courteous, polite, and helpful

41 Give the right feedback

42 Change your language

43 Express yourself

44 Make eye contact

45 Tip well for good service

46 Host a gathering for your dearest friends

47 Help someone put groceries in their car

48 Do someone a favor

49 Share your umbrella with someone

50 Send a random thank you email to someone you admire

51 Help someone try something new

52 Turn your negative thoughts into positive ones

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