46 Ways to be calm in stressful situations

1 Practice meditation

2 Be positive

3 Get sleep

4 Take deep breaths

5 Think positive

6 Stay positive

7 Breathe

8 Take care of yourself

9 Go for a walk

10 Self-compassion

11 Get help if you need it

12 Slow your breathing

13 Mindfulness meditation

14 Understand that stress does affect you

15 Limit your caffeine intake

16 Visualize yourself calm

17 Do mindfulness exercises

18 Focus on your breathing

19 Be more empathetic

20 Breathe in for 4 seconds

21 Plan and organise

22 Concentrate on relaxing your shoulders

23 Speak to someone

24 Take a hot shower

25 Write it all down

26 Visualization

27 Take your breaks

28 Get to the pressure point with hand massage

29 Play with your pet

30 Have some humor

31 Get in touch with your senses

32 Get some exercise

33 Hit the purposeful pause button

34 Watch some funny tv program or movie

35 Identify the source of your anxiety

36 Eat a tasty (preferably – healthy) meal

37 Let in some fresh air

38 Be healthy and consider healthy food

39 Call your friends

40 Listen actively

41 Practice yoga

42 Compassion for others

43 Help them identify their triggers

44 Hold your breath for 1 or 2 seconds

45 Intensify your focus

46 Avoid a doom and gloom attitude

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