28 Ways to be calm in all situations

1 Take deep breaths

2 Be positive

3 Think positive

4 Breathe

5 Practice mindfulness

6 Understand that stress does affect you

7 Concentrate on your body

8 Remain calm, always

9 Get them moving

10 Focus on your senses

11 Listen

12 Trust yourself

13 Get help if you need it

14 Slow down your breathing

15 Have some humor

16 Count to 10 (or 100)

17 Get some exercise

18 Write it all down

19 Help them identify their triggers

20 Cultivate compassion

21 Talk back to negative thoughts

22 Compassion for others

23 Think before acting

24 Breathe slowly

25 Seek good social support

26 Take your prescribed medication

27 Avoid a doom and gloom attitude

28 Tidy up

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