46 Ways to be more social at work

1 Offer genuine compliments freely

2 Start small on the initial ground

3 Maintain your current relationships and friendships

4 Teach active listening skills

5 Practice maintaining eye contact

6 Find some potential friends

7 Be entertaining and use humor

8 Encourage kindness

9 Hold class meetings

10 Come prepared

11 Use open, inviting body language

12 Be genuine

13 Have a friendly, open demeanor

14 Build community with teamwork

15 Start the day with a check-in

16 Show empathy

17 Share more videos

18 Give the occasional compliment

19 Change and rotate your profile photos and banners

20 Create a calm down area

21 Invite coworkers along

22 Post frequently (and at optimal times)

23 Celebrate diversity

24 Accept as many invitations as you can

25 Give fans a reason to follow you

26 Understand what it means to listen

27 Honor the process, believe in the outcome

28 Practice role playing

29 Share other peoples content

30 Practice social skills by role playing social situations

31 Learn from successes as well as mistakes

32 Be interested in other people and ask questions

33 Encourage informal social events

34 Focus on performance, not feelings

35 Be a good listener

36 Dont force humor

37 Control your breathing

38 Start up a conversation

39 Get involved

40 Host a monthly brunch

41 Pick up the phone and make a date

42 Chat with strangers

43 Sign up for a class

44 Recognize when you might need help

45 Invite a co-worker out for lunch

46 Explore paid social

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