56 Ways to be a better person to others

1 Be forgiving

2 Practice gratitude

3 Be polite

4 Smile often

5 Practice empathy and compassion

6 Give yourself compliments

7 Engage in self-care

8 Be grateful

9 Be kinder to yourself

10 Care about and help others

11 Listen to people

12 Give to others

13 Love

14 Listen carefully

15 Let go of making excuses

16 Embrace change

17 Be encouraging

18 Smile and laugh

19 Apologize

20 Kindness

21 Worry less

22 Find a role model

23 Have the will to change

24 Take care of yourself

25 Address your weaknesses

26 Wake up an hour early

27 Work on controlling your anger and jealousy

28 Pay attention to others

29 Become a better cook

30 Get organized

31 Talk about it – get a mentor

32 Keep your commitments – no matter what

33 Read regularly

34 Commit to lifelong learning

35 Develop your communication skills

36 Be a responsible pet owner – rescue a dog

37 Take responsibility for your actions

38 Ask questions

39 Body image

40 Learn something new

41 Listen more than you talk

42 Exercise regularly

43 Seek out like-minded organizations, and contribute

44 Treat your body with respect

45 Be more self-aware

46 Practice self-control

47 Do things that you usually dont do

48 Do what you love

49 Set a fixed waking up and sleeping time

50 Take a chance

51 Try others interests/activities

52 Breathe consciously

53 Clean for 30 minutes

54 Forgive yourself and others

55 Mind

56 Be a hero

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