63 Ways to be in a better mood

1 Be grateful

2 Get enough sleep

3 Go outside

4 Smile often

5 Get some exercise

6 Get a good laugh

7 Give someone a hug

8 Go outside for some sun

9 Eat well

10 Eat (or drink) a healthy snack

11 Take a hot shower

12 Practice yoga together

13 Zone out and meditate

14 Go on a walk

15 Do something nice for someone else

16 Take a deep breath

17 Have a cup of coffee or tea

18 Sleep

19 Buy yourself some flowers

20 Get regular exercise

21 Try new things together

22 Connect with someone

23 Eat wisely

24 Show kindness toward others

25 Practice mindfulness meditation

26 Get a move on

27 Do a random act of kindness together

28 Blast some upbeat tunes

29 Drink a cup of coffee

30 Have a walking lunch

31 Chat with a stranger

32 Eat mood-boosting foods

33 Vitamin c & d

34 Conduct an evening review

35 Break out the gratitude journal

36 Spend time with a furry friend

37 Stretch it out

38 Get plenty of omega-3s

39 Spend time with a friend

40 Drink enough water

41 Volunteer together

42 Do a good deed

43 Cuddle and play with an animal

44 Stop hitting snooze

45 Sniff some calming scents

46 Meditate for a minute

47 Be here now

48 Take a break from your phone

49 Switch direction completely

50 Ciara rooney, michelle c

51 Work outside

52 Listen to an audiobook

53 Go out in nature

54 Get moving

55 Get organized

56 Practice your handwriting

57 Be kind

58 Turn off the tv

59 Address stress

60 Ask your doctor about supplements

61 Get a checkup

62 Take a mindful music break

63 Text someone you love for no reason

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