53 Ways to be more optimistic

1 Show gratitude

2 Make a happy mantra

3 Surround yourself with positive people

4 Practice being grateful

5 Practice positive affirmations

6 Look for any improvement to the current situation

7 Get outside

8 Fake it until you make it

9 Let things go

10 Look for the silver lining

11 Fill your mind with positive thoughts

12 Remind yourself of your blessings

13 Read inspiring stories

14 Learn to observe your mind

15 Breathe deeply

16 Listen to music that puts you into a positive mood

17 Give authentic compliments to others

18 Help your child learn to cultivate optimistic thinking

19 Inspire yourself with smile and gentle positive reminders

20 Be a source of positivity for others

21 Focus on the solution

22 Conjure up an inner coach

23 Be proactive in creating a positive environment

24 Surround yourself with optimists

25 Set an attainable goal and note your progress

26 Create realistic goals

27 Smile as often as you can

28 Try focusing on the solution, not the problem

29 Remove negative influences

30 Surround yourself with optimism

31 Exercise regularly

32 Blame yourself vs

33 Look to the past

34 Set some goals

35 Set goals that actually motivate you

36 Begin monitoring your language

37 Help others

38 Check your worrying

39 Learn to be self-reliant

40 View rejection in a different light

41 Change your perspective

42 Notice how your child thinks about things

43 Exercise regularly and eat and sleep well

44 Start your day in a positive way

45 Find a cause you believe in

46 Mind your words

47 Exercise

48 Decide to become the best version of yourself

49 Stay realistic and expect ups and downs

50 Engage in quiet self-care

51 Access spiritual strength

52 Challenge negative thoughts

53 Find time to get sweaty

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