98 Ways to be more positive and happy

1 Be grateful

2 Smile!

3 Surround yourself with positive people

4 Practice being grateful

5 Be good to yourself

6 Get outside

7 Spread joy

8 Do something fun

9 Connect with others

10 Do something for others

11 Shift your perspective

12 Live healthy

13 Make other people feel good

14 Engage in positive activities

15 Encourage positive thinking

16 Consider meditation

17 Help others/volunteer

18 Celebrate

19 Practice random acts of kindness

20 Take things slowly

21 Get stuff done

22 Turn your house into your positive energy source

23 Be thankful

24 Exercise, exercise, exercise

25 Celebrate the small victories

26 Live in the moment using mindfulness

27 Stop worrying

28 Bring your pet to work

29 Build good relationships with coworkers

30 Add value and positivity to someone elses life

31 Focus on what makes you happy

32 Encourage others

33 Mind your language

34 Start your day in a positive way

35 Give yourself a break

36 Learn something new

37 Remember to be kind to yourself

38 Spread love and kindness

39 Learn how to take criticism in a healthy way

40 Spend time in nature

41 Get enough sleep and rest

42 Find time for a furry friend

43 Avoid gossiping and complaining

44 Swap the negative with the positive

45 Be more generous

46 Change up your vocabulary

47 Avoid the negative people

48 Give more

49 Watch out for negative self-talk

50 Get in the zone doing something creative

51 See the beauty in small things

52 Fake it until you make it

53 Start each day with a grateful heart

54 Give authentic compliments to others

55 Write yourself a love letter

56 Work towards accomplishing a goal

57 Challenge negative thoughts with positive ones

58 Focus on the positive

59 Keep a strengths perspective

60 Do something that makes you happy every day

61 Make the most of the weekend

62 Love and reward yourself

63 Replace your negative thoughts with positive thoughts

64 Start a daily gratitude practice

65 Breathe in fresh air

66 Sweat it off

67 Save money…

68 Keep your posture positive

69 Concentrate on small, manageable goals

70 Choose your personal mantra

71 Ask for help when you need it

72 Read and watch positive stories

73 Create a happiness training routine

74 Add some flowers or plants throughout your home

75 Hold on tight to your faith

76 Discuss rather than argue

77 Focus on the problems in your life

78 Meditate

79 Get out into nature

80 Face the fear

81 Practice good posture

82 Head for trees

83 Give positive reinforcement

84 Maintain balance

85 Practice conscious acts of kindness

86 Listen

87 Listen to music that puts you into a positive mood

88 Strive to be more than just happy

89 Find your purpose

90 Pump some jams

91 Learn to reframe negativity

92 Give back

93 Practice radical acceptance

94 State this intention each day

95 Choose to change your thought frequency

96 Feed your body, mind & spirit good stuff!

97 Only own & give energy to what is yours

98 Helps you work better in teams

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