90 Ways to simplify your life

1 Learn how to say no

2 Just say no

3 Express gratitude

4 Make a place for everything

5 Develop routines

6 Create a capsule wardrobe

7 Stop multitasking

8 Care less

9 Create a weekly meal plan

10 Declutter your home

11 Unsubscribe from email lists

12 Follow a quick morning routine

13 Spend time alone

14 Make your lunch for the next day the night before

15 Ask for help

16 Plan your

17 Be organised and clean as you go along

18 Limit your media consumption

19 Limit negativity

20 Understand your money situation

21 Go for a walk outside

22 Stop buying things

23 Declutter your closets and drawers

24 Journal for 5 minutes a day

25 Clear out the clutter

26 Keep a bag for garbage in your car

27 Create a monthly dinner menu

28 Use a calendar system

29 Create a simplicity statement

30 Disconnect and reconnect

31 Automate it

32 Create a uniform

33 Shop with a grocery list

34 Ditch the tv (or simply turn it off)

35 Reduce your consumption of advertising

36 Limit your commitments

37 Organize your digital files

38 Make your bed every day

39 Consider a smaller home

40 Fill your day with simple pleasures

41 Finally stop paying for cable for simplicity living

42 Get rid of the big items

43 Eat mindfully

44 Remember your why

45 Leave enough time to drive slowly

46 Take an annual personal retreat

47 Get rid of physical subscriptions

48 Keep your email inbox empty

49 Reduce the amount of tv you watch

50 Focus on one thing at a time

51 Plan your priorities

52 Create a budget

53 Do not gossip

54 Spend time outdoors every day

55 Pay bills as soon as you receive them

56 Let go of any resentments

57 Forget about perfection

58 Create an easy morning ritual

59 Meditate daily

60 Create spaces you love in your house

61 Have an easy skincare routine

62 Live in the moment

63 Manage your stress

64 Ask if the thought is empowering

65 Keep busy when all else fails

66 Simplify your wardrobe

67 Eat slowly

68 Live frugally

69 Meditate

70 Ban credit cards

71 Spend time with friends and family

72 Put your phone away

73 Stop making everything a priority

74 Remove all the files and programs from your desktop

75 Email inbox

76 Cut out toxic people

77 Gain control of your time

78 Say no and own it

79 Edit your rooms

80 Streamline your life

81 Exercise

82 Simplify your filing system

83 Cut loose toxic and high-needs people

84 Slow down & be present

85 Craft a command center

86 Digitize your music

87 Eliminate junk mail

88 Quit something

89 Keep everything off the floor

90 Live according to your

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